Graphic Design & Branding

Creating a Unique Visual Identity for Your Brand

Creating a strong brand identity goes beyond just having a logo. No cookie cutter or logo generator tools allowed! Instead, we work with our clients to understand the essence of their company and use this understanding to craft visually striking and effective solutions that truly represent their brand.

Branding vs Graphic Design

When it comes to branding and graphic design, there are many different perspectives. Here at INVESMITH, we view branding as the subjective aspect of a company's visual identity, representing the beliefs, concepts, and uniqueness that guide its graphic design. On the other hand, we see graphic design as the objective aspect of a company's visual identity, which includes the tangible elements such as logos and marketing materials.

In short, branding is the driving force behind a company's visual identity, while graphic design is the execution of that identity.

Logo Design

A logo is a crucial element of a company's visual identity. It serves as an advocate for the business, representing its products and services to the public. A well-designed logo effectively communicates the essence of the brand and can increase its credibility in the marketplace. At INVESMITH, we understand the importance of a strong logo and strive to create designs that effectively represent our clients' brands.

Recent Logo Designs

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